About Me and Home Biz Heroes

My Journey to Empowerment

01/01/2024 by Ted

Welcome to HomeBiz Heroes:

Greetings! I’m Ted, founder of HomeBiz Heroes, and this is my story.

After retiring from my contracting company and plunging into the world of online entrepreneurship, where I have been marketing for years and navigating through myriad schemes, a candid recount of money spent, lessons learned, and valuable time wasted on schemes.

My eureka moment came with Wealthy Affiliate – where integrity meets opportunity.

From novice to pro: The free training at Wealthy Affiliate revolutionized my online ventures in a short period of time.

Building Bridges: How HomeBiz Heroes Supports Work-from-Home Moms and Dads.

The birth of HomeBiz Heroes at whatisonlinemarketingabout.com is a resource hub for parents venturing into home business.

I’ve tailored my insights and resources specifically for work-from-home moms and dads because I have a passion to help others avoid the pitfalls, I suffered venturing aimlessly online for a work from home niche.

The ‘you are free to Flourish’ philosophy at Wealth Affiliate is an understatement of the value of accessible, no-cost training.

In the pages of the following blog, we will be showcasing success: Real stories of parents who’ve transformed their lives with HomeBiz Heroes and how they did it.

I am inviting you to join our community: A step-by-step journey toward to financial freedom and family harmony.

Join  Wealthy Affiliate now for FREE complete training, free research tools for key words a free AI writing platform and a state-of-the-art website building and hosting platform and learn how to get my free bonuses.